Hear a little more about Keyna and her piece "#Evolution"
Was there an inspiration for the piece? If so, what was it?
The piece is a homage to the Australian environmental movement. I'm a supporter of the movement and hope that our species evolves and makes changes necessary to to live environmentally sustainable lives in order for the planet and all life to continue. What did you like about writing for brass?
Well I was very surprised because there were so many technical things I thought brass players could not do, especially euphoniums, but every time I sent you a bit of the score you guys would say "yes that's fine" so it turns out there are few limits! I love the homogenous sound of brass instruments played together and technical virtuosity of writing for your ensemble!
What’s different about this project for you?
I have never written for a project that is entirely recorded and no performance (I hope there will be one day though!?) - but it's great that it's on all streaming platforms so is now available to a worldwide audience and will soon be published by my publisher Wirripang as well. Also I've never written for brass ensemble, and never for euphonium. But it was all a smooth process with you guys!
Trumpet or euphonium?
I will never answer this. My daughter keeps asking me whether I prefer her or her brother and I also refuse to answer. There is no answer. Both equally!! ;)
Other projects to check out?
I am also a performer with 3 performing projects who are all quite busy. My solo show: https://www.keynawilkins.com/solo-show.html, my duo with leading indigenous didgeridoo player Gumaroy Newman: https://www.yulugi.com/ and my quartet who perform my compositions and ensemble improvisations about outer space: http://www.ephemeraensemble.com/ And I write compositions for many different ensembles and sometimes for film and theatre: https://www.keynawilkins.com/bio--commissions.html Feel free to follow me on the socials @keynawilkins to keep up to date or sign up to my mailing list : https://www.keynawilkins.com/
What’s your background in composition?
My formal qualifications are below, but alot of my training has been informal through getting friends to play through my pieces and seeing if its works or not, but above all following my gut to find the sound that perfectly captures the moment.
M Mus Composition from Sydney Conservatorium 2017
BA Mus from Bath Space University and Hildesheim University (Germany) 2002
Find out where to listen to 'Three Golden Eggs' and the rest of the album here.